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Screen Calipers

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For WindowsScreen Calipers

Screen Calipers iconThe accurate way to measure on a screen, at any angle in pixels, inches or any unit.

Posted in the Screen Calipers Forum.

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system

Just installed and ran Calipers for the first time on a dual-monitor system. The program does not respond to mouse at all. When trying to nudge it with the keyboard from the right (first) monitor to the left (second) monitor it disappears from the right, do not appear on the left and then appears in the center of the first monitor again. Second time I did this the program crashed with the error: "System Error. Code: 8.
Not enough storage is available to process this command." The error keeps popping up until the program is killed with the task manager.
by Dimitry on Jan 23 2006 1:39pm Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system

Thanks for your message, it appears that this is the same error that Alex posted about in this newsgroup. We have duplicated the error in our office and we are working on a fix.

I can confirm that the error happens only when the primary monitor is placed to the bottom or to the right of the secondary monitor.

I can also confirm that version 3.2 of the software does not have this error. Until we release a fix, which should be later this week, please use the version 3.2 for use on dual monitor systems configured in this manner. Serial numbers will work interchangeably with either version.
by Nico Westerdale on Jan 23 2006 1:44pm Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system

Hi:I have SC 3.1 and have always used it on a dual monitor system, without the problems described, though I have found that it is consuming 100% of processing power while in use, which is surprising and inconvenient. Do you suppose this is different manifestion of the problem?
by Jack Trewren on Apr 21 2006 6:59am Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system


I'd advise upgrading to version 3.3 of the Calipers. As you can see from the bottom of this thread the dual monitor error has been resolved. We've done a lot of memory management improvement in version 3.3, so please feel free to insal it and let me know your findings.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 21 2006 7:31am Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system

Hi: I installed the SC 3.3 and it a big improvement in several ways. The rotate process did not work well previously and now is performing very well; memory problems are much improved; there is still a delay in the context menu, but if I do not have to close/open continually, this is not significant. Thank-you for the quick response. Jack
by Jack Trewren on Apr 21 2006 7:55am Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system

Glad to hear that version 3.3 is a marked improvement with rotation and memory. Those were the key areas that we focused on improving.

Just so you know every time the menu is opened it rechecks all the skins that are on the disc and retrieves their names. If you have a lot of skins installed then you might see a slight delay. I'll see if we can speed this up on the next version.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 21 2006 8:49am Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system


We have a proposed fix for this error which I would like you to test to make sure the bug is rectified on your system too. If you could please email us using our 'Contact Us' form then I'll be able to send you a copy. Right now I do not have your email address.

We have several people testing this and if these tests pass then I expect to upload the new version to our servers late tonight or tomorrow.
by Nico Westerdale on Jan 23 2006 2:40pm Reply

Calipers don't work on dual monitor system

The fix is now up. If you use the Calipers, Protractor or Compass version 3.3 on a dual monitor system then please re-download the software. Your serial number will still work and you shouldn't be promted to enter it again.
by Nico Westerdale on Jan 23 2006 9:03pm Reply

Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)

Hello Nico,
I have installed the new 3.3 version but am still having problems; I am using a dual monitor system. Calipers will not stay on top of other programs, although the symptoms are strange. If I deselect stay on top, and then reselect it, Calipers will stay on top as it should. But after a short while, it suddenly stops staying on top when I focus on another application. Then, I do the same deselect-reselect process, and it works again for a short while.

A great software tool that you have, I couldn't live without it!
Thanks for your assistance.


by Kevin Burke on Mar 5 2006 1:02am Reply

Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)


Thanks for the message. We have noticed some inconcistancies in th 'Stay on Top' function and belive that this is a general issue and not limited to dual monitor systems. We will be investigating this issue over the next week and hope to have a solution for you shortly. I will be in touch.
by Nico Westerdale on Mar 5 2006 7:29am Reply

Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)


We've been able to duplicate the error, and have determined that it consistantly happens when the "Print Screen" key is pressed on the keyboard. It ttok us a while to find it! We're currently working on a fix.
by Nico Westerdale on Mar 9 2006 1:45pm Reply

Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)


We've fixed the problem and if you reinstall the application you should find that 'Stay On Top' now works all the time. If the application should get 'bumped' off of the top by another 'Stay On Top' window simply clicking on the Calieprs will restore it to the topmost position.
by Nico Westerdale on Mar 21 2006 12:18pm Reply

Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)

Hello Nico,

Thanks for the fix, that seems to have done the trick -- thank you very much for the quick response and solution! My calipers are busy again, and staying on top of the digital mess below them!!!

Keep up the great work on an excellent software!


by Kevin Burke on Apr 4 2006 1:45pm Reply

Update -- Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)

Hello Nico Again,

Calipers are working perfectly -- I can't ask for any better performance from them! They stay on top properly and move very smoothly. I just leave Calipers open all day and drag them out when needed -- no problems at all.

You can go on holiday now -- all is under control!


by Kevin Burke on Apr 24 2006 1:51am Reply

Update -- Calipers will not stay on top (dual monitor system)

Glad to hear it Kevin! Holiday is all booked.
by Nico Westerdale on Apr 24 2006 7:26am Reply

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